rexima - a curses-based mixer for Linux.
Copyright (C) 1996 Russell Marks.


Rexima is a curses-based interactive mixer. It can also be used from
the command-line. It's a deliberately straightforward, `sensible'
implementation - my response to the other curses-based mixers, where
you can't see the sliders for the chrome. Also, it gives a numeric
level readout (as well as the sliders), unlike most interactive mixers
I've used. It should work on any terminal with a screen size of at
least 80x24.


Check the Makefile is ok, then do `make' and (as root) `make install'.

What's the name stand for?

Try reading it backwards. :-)

Contacting me

No email address at the moment I'm afraid. :-(

Postal address:
		Russell Marks,
		3 Rapley Close,
		GU15 4ER,
		United Kingdom.

If you insist on abbreviating my name, please use "R. J. Marks".

Share and enjoy!
